Qigong Self-Care “Live Online” 2-Day RETREAT
Saturday June 21 and Sunday June 22, 2025 / 11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
(8 Hours)
Qigong Self Care Program
Restore and nurture health, of the body, mind and spirit.
Meditation, mantras, breath practices and movement routines based on the science of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), Esoteric manuscripts, Taoist and Buddhist principles, and Nei Gong, the fundamentals of inner strength building practices of the Martial Arts.
The 2-Day Retreat contributes to the prerequisite of 24 hours of Qigong Self-Care Training for placement into the CERTIFICATION PROGRAM to train as a trainer of the Qigong Self Care practices.
How might you benefit from a Qigong Self-Care retreat?
It is an opportunity to give loving attention to your Well Being! Plus…
- Replenishment Reset: Learn to release energetic-stagnation, so as not to reflect that stagnation in life. Stagnation which sometimes shows up as illness and a sense of stuck-ness in life. The Qigong routines shared can be integrated into a regular practice, that can be done at home, on one’s own. Thereby providing a resource from which to build a self-sustaining support system of practices.
- As we release the stagnant, we also replenish with vital energy. The process of releasing opens the path and expands the radiance of our natural free-flowing Human Qi.
Our natural free-flowing human Qi represents the circulation of our vital life force energy.
- As we progress, our natural free-flowing human Qi becomes unrestrained by blockages and stagnation. As these restraints resolve we become increasingly capable of nourishing the body’s various systems, organs and functions.
- As we come to deepen understanding, as we learn to nurture our life-energy… Our life energy can better fulfill its purpose as sustainer-of-life. As we resolve underlying energies, more spaciousness of being is created, allowing for an integrated self to emerge.
- As an integrated self, we can become the spiritual sovereign of our body-mind complex. A state which can lead to actions, choices, opportunities and grace that contribute to a robustness of health and overall well being.
You may prefer to register for the Qigong Self-Care Super Combo which includes this 2-Day Qi-Retreat, plus much more.
Registration for individual elements of the program are available HERE.
Registration can be facilitated by using one of the alternate payment methods and emailing for the link.
Add to shopping Cart and get your link right away or
use one of the Alternate Payment Methods:
PayPal by going to:
ZELLE by going to my registered phone number: (347) 432-3211
Be sure to also follow up with a text or email to receive the class links.
Text: (347) 432-3211
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