Out of the Shadow into the Light…
Qigong Inner Fitness
Single-Session Drop-in – Tuesdays 9:00 -10:00 AM, EST
[Ongoing, weekly Qigong sessions on Tuesday mornings 9:00 – 10:00 AM]
Jing, Qi, Shen (Body Essence, Life Energy, Spirit/Soul)
Taoist Qigong, Buddhist Qigong, Medical Qigong, Meditation, Breath Practices, Movement Routines: Practices for Healing and Centering from Essence, Jade Body, Soaring Crane, Turtle Longevity practices. Routines with a special focus on deepening one’s awareness and discernment. Cultivating a sound foundation of health with flexibility, strength, dexterity; clarity of mind and heart.
Integration and Emergence within of ONENESS of BEING!
When you are ready to immerse yourself into the practice consider these options!
Register via the shopping cart or by using one of the alternate payment methods.
Weekly registration can be facilitated by using one of the alternate payment methods and emailing [email protected] for the link.
Add to shopping Cart and get your link right away or
use one of the Alternate Payment Methods:
PayPal by going to:
ZELLE by going to my registered phone number: (347) 432-3211
Be sure to also follow up with a text or email to receive the class links.
Email: [email protected]
Text: (347) 432-3211
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